Android Development Training

Learn the theory behind app development, expand your skill set to create creative mobile applications, and gain firsthand industry experience to kickstart your career in Android Development.

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Training lessons in real time

Outstanding Teachers

Internship Experience

Industry Oriented Projects

LMS Access

Professional Certifications


The world is becoming increasingly mobile as well as increasingly digital. Many businesses have used app development technologies to differentiate themselves and make fortunes in the digital market. Companies that have made billions from mobile apps include Amazon, Flipkart, and Spotify. The demand for innovative, smooth, and marketable apps is at an all-time high. A career in android development is extremely rewarding, and the field is expected to grow in the future.

  • Having your own app allows you to get the customer's full attention. This can aid in the promotion of your products, services, and other calls to action.
  • You can advertise new products, special offers, and sales using notifications. In this regard, it is similar to an email newsletter.
  • It will provide your customers with a digital platform to engage with your company economically.
  • Outside advertisements and sponsorships can help you make more money.


Our training curriculum includes ideas ranging from basic to advanced, allowing freshmen to excel in their careers.
  • App-development overview
  • Introduction to Android OS
  • Environment setup
  • Android development tools overview
  • Apps & APK files
  • Android app component
Input Data
  • Removing & avoid undesired input data
  • Building activities for results
  • Generic filtering search Activity
  • Creating search & array adapter
  • Setting up & filtering list view
Building Android Applications
  • Building Activities 
  • Building and using Services
  • Notifications
  • App widgets 
  • App framework
Views & UI
  • Views overview
  • Using views in app development
  • Designing UI with views
  • Designing buttons
  • Displaying web pages
  • Using the TimePicker & DatePicker
  • Relative, linear, frame layout for view positioning
  • Using table layout for view positioning
Layouts and Widgets
  • Packages
  • Customizing and displaying lists with ListView
  • Displaying multiple lists
  • Using additional text views
  • Displaying a List of Images
  • Animating images using ImageSwitcher
Network Programming
  • Using HTTP
  • XML & JSON web services
  • Creating a socket server & client
  • Bluetooth
Location-Based Data Services
  • Obtaining Geographical Location
  • Using a Broadcast Receiver to Obtain Locations
  • Choosing the Best Location Provider to Use
  • Monitoring a Location
Accessing Hardware
  • Camera
  • Flashlight
  • Hardware buttons
Data Management
  • Saving and loading user preferences
  • Creating a preference screen
  • Saving Files to the data directory, cache directory, external storage
  • Attaching files to your project
  • Local databases
  • SQL databases
App Testing and Release
  • Introduction
  • Unit Testing
  • Instrumented test 
  • Inspect code
  • APK signing
  • Google play console signup


Our Real- Time projects help you gain knowledge and enhance your skills.

Task Manager App

Expense Manager

Chatting App

Text and Image Detector

Weather Forecast Application

Bluetooth Application


We provide best programs at affordable price and student friendly.


₹ 4000


₹ 6000


On completion of a program each participant gets a course completion, internship and outstanding performance certificates.

What Our Clients Say

Our Alumni Work At

Our alumni are already starting to make waves in their industries. Our former students are already working in high-profile industries and are shaping our futures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, after our course, you will be able to create mobile video games of any genre.

InternsTech offers placement assistance to all advanced course students. Students who excel during their internships in our self-paced and mentor-led courses will also receive placement assistance.

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