
Conversely, the necessity for application development tools has resulted from the desire to create apps. Flutter is here. Flutter is free and open source, integrates with existing code, and is utilised by developers and businesses all over the world. At Internstech, we help you develop your skills so that you may enter the market as a Flutter programmer, in addition to giving you a thorough understanding of the theory behind Flutter.

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Not only is the world getting more digital, but it is also becoming more mobile. Technologies for app development have been employed by many businesses to differentiate themselves and succeed in the online market. Examples of businesses that have gained billions of dollars via mobile apps include Amazon, Flipkart, and Spotify. The demand for creative, user-friendly, and commercial apps is at an all-time high. Google developed the open-source UI software development kit known as Flutter. It is used to create cross-platform software from a single codebase for platforms like Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web.

Live Training sessions

Distinguished Mentors

Internship Experience

Industry Relevant Projects

LMS Access

Professional Certifications

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Skill Covered


    • Flutter
    • Dart
    • 3rd Party Packages
    • Working with Remote data

Key Features

  • Interactive Sessions with Distinguished Mentors
  • 200+ Hours of Online Sessions
  • Flexible Payment Model
  • Certifications From Internationally Renowned Universities 
  • Practical Exposure Through Industry-Relevant Projects and Internships
  • Mock Test / Mock Interviews to Make you Interview Ready
  • Career Counselling
  • Resume Building Assistance


Our training curriculum includes ideas ranging from basic to advanced, allowing freshmen to excel in their careers.
  • Introduction to Flutter- The What’s and The Why’s
  • Applications
  • Challenges
Introduction To Dart
  • Reason why Dart holds the fort strong.
  • Installing Visual Studio Code and the Dart Plugin.
  • Installing Dart SDK.
  • Writing the first Dart Program.
Setting up Flutter
  • Downloading/Cloning the Flutter SDK.
  • Installing Flutter Plugin within VS Code.
  • Understanding the structure of a Flutter Project.
  • Building a simple app from scratch.
Introducing Widget
  • Widgets and their role in a Flutter app.
  • The MaterialApp and Scaffold widget.
  • AppBar.
  • FloatingActionButton.
  • More widgets - Text, Center and Padding.
  • Hot Reload and Hot Restart, the tricks of the trade.
  • Recreating the Default Flutter App (UI Only).
  • Common Widget in Flutter
Containers and their role.
  • Importing images from a network.
  • Importing images as assets.
  • Adding icons to widgets.
  • Understanding Row and Column.
  • ListView and ListTile.
  • Building views using ListView.builder.
  • Inkwell and its importance.
Stateless and Stateful Widgets- The Concept
  • Stateless vs. Stateful widgets.
  • Defining a ‘State’.
  • The set state method.
  • Returning to the Default Flutter App.
  • Navigator and routes.
  • Applying push
  • Using Material Page Route.
  • Applying pop
  • Declaring parameter-less routes (pushNamed()) in MaterialApp widget.
Handling User Input.
  • Using TextField.
  • Handling changes to a Text Field.
  • Pass retrieved values using Navigator
User Interface
  • Applying ThemeData.
  • The Basic Screen Layout.
  • Applying Custom Font.
Asynchronous Functions
  • The ‘Future’ function.
  • ‘async’ and ‘await’.
Working with Remote Data
  • The ‘http’ package.
  • Model Class and JSON parsing.
  • Displaying Remote Data. (NEWS API).
Using 3rd Party Packages
  • The ‘url_launcher’ package.
  • Adding on Tap to NEWS API.
Other Useful Widgets
  • Grid View.
  • The ‘Hero’ Animation
  • Stack
  • ‘Alert Dialog’ with buttons.


We provide best programs at affordable price and student friendly.


₹ 25000


₹ 30000


On completion of a program each participant gets a course completion, internship and outstanding performance certificates.

What Our Clients Say

Our Alumni Work At

Our alumni are already starting to make waves in their industries. Our former students are already working in high-profile industries and are shaping our futures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Although Flutter is a new technology, it has already created a huge demand among enterprises for app development. As a result, the demand for Flutter app developers is higher than the supply of talented, knowledgeable, and experienced Flutter developers.

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