Machine Learning Training

Understanding the scope and prospects of Machine Learning, learning how ML is being used in various industries through our internship programmes, and developing the required skills and python programming to become a successful ML Engineer are all part of our internship programmes.
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Training lessons in real time

Outstanding Teachers

Internship Experience

Industry Oriented Projects

LMS Access

Professional Certifications


Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that can better themselves automatically based on experience and data. It is a subfield of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning is changing the world; it is present in many important industries, including healthcare, education, transportation, food, and entertainment. With the aid of machine learning, almost every part of our daily lives will become easier and more efficient. Housing, cars, shopping, food ordering, and so on will all become easier and more efficient.
The study of algorithms, or machine learning, has been a significant contributor to the growth and implementation of Artificial Intelligence over the last decade. It is a data-driven concept that analyses user behaviour and business operational patterns regardless of the industry.


Our training curriculum includes ideas ranging from basic to advanced, allowing freshmen to excel in their careers.
Introduction to programming
  • Course Introduction
  • Programming Basics
Introduction to Python
  • Python Basics
  • Scope of Python
  • Python Data Structures
  • Python Programming Fundamentals
  • Working with Data in Python
Advanced Concepts of Python
  • Error handling
  • Object Oriented Programming concepts 
  • Regular Expressions
  • Decorators
Analysing Data with Python
  • Reading and writing data with pandas
  • Data frames and data summarisation
  • Numpy array operations
  • Numerical computing with Numpy
Introduction to programming Course Introduction Programming Basics Introduction to Python Python Basics Scope of Python Python Data Structures Python Programming Fundamentals Working with Data in Python Advanced Concepts of Python Error handling Object Oriented Programming concepts Regular Expressions Decorators Analysing Data with Python Reading and writing data with pandas Data frames and data summarisation Numpy array operations Numerical computing with Numpy Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Decoding Artificial Intelligence
  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • Types of machine learning
  • Machine Learning Workflow
  • Performance Metrics
  • Supervised vs unsupervised learning
  • Classification vs regression
Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Introduction to machine learning algorithms
  • Types of machine learning algorithms
  • Machine learning techniques 
  • Machine learning approaches
Overview of common algorithms
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision Tree
  • Support vector machine(SVM)
  • Naive Bayes
  • kNN
  • K-Means
  • Random Forest
  • Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
  • Gradient Boosting algorithms
Natural Language Processing
  • What is natural language?
  • Natural Language Toolkits (NLTK)
  • Stopwords
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization
  • What is sentiment analysis?
  • Native and bayes
  • What is pre-processing?
  • Preprocessing with python
  • Importing a dataset in python
  • Resolving missing values
  • Managing category variables
  • Testing datasets
  • Normalizing Variables
  • What is regression in machine learning
  • Simple linear regression 
  • Multiple linear regression 
  • Decision trees 
  • Random Forest
  • Probability & distribution
  • Central limit theorem
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Categorical data
  • kNN introduction
  • kNN practical
  • SVM introduction 
  • SVM practical
  • Decision tree classifier and random forest classifier in python


Our Real- Time projects help you gain knowledge and enhance your skills.

Face Detection

Music Recommendation System

Movie Recommendation System

Stock Pric Prediction

Stock Price Prediction

Walmart Sales Prediction


We provide best programs at affordable price and student friendly.








On completion of a program each participant gets a course completion, internship and outstanding performance certificates.

What Our Clients Say

Our Alumni Work At

Our alumni are already starting to make waves in their industries. Our former students are already working in high-profile industries and are shaping our futures.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, at Interns Tech, we teach you all of the important concepts of machine learning from the ground up, train you in the necessary skills, and provide you with an internship to ensure you get the necessary industry experience.

Global MNCs such as Amazon, Microsoft, General Electric, Accenture, and Alibaba hire ML engineers, who are extremely valuable to the companies.

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